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Truth about your bank note.


Suppose A has some valuable item, for example a nice fashionable stitched shirt and B wants it. When he will ask for this shirt A will demand 500 Rs for it. Now suppose B doesn’t have that value (500 Rs) but he still wants it, what can he do?
He can either beg for it, or take it on a promise that he will provide A with 500 Rs. In either case all he can do is to take the shirt as a credit. Now credit is provided when you are credible, if you don’t have credibility you will not be provided with credit. In market nobody is so credible that a merchant can give him any value without trouble, except the bank and the government.
Here the bank note plays the role, a bank note is a promise for lending valuable items from the market, or else it has no intrinsic value. Your bank note carry four aspects of credibility, first the guarantee by the government, second is bank guarantee (through the RBI Governor’s signature), third is the image of Mahatma Gandhi, and the fourth or the most crucial one is its identity.
The first three aspects are controlled through administration and the fourth one through the perfection of printing it. But for a common man fourth one is important for taking immediate decisions. It helps the common man to identify an original bank note. The watermarks on the bank note, alignment in printing it’s both sides. The Ink and the paper touch and feel etc.
So you can clearly see that what you think as money is actually just an accountancy of the market. A real world record of who took credit from whom and how much, money has just the relative value. There is more politics involved in than what you expected. On the basis of above explanation you can clearly understand that your actual money is the value which you create. Rest all is just a record of your karma managed by the market. So if you really want to create money and raise quality of your life believe in your skill, honesty and work.